THERE IS NO NAME OR MANUFACTURER LABELED ON IT . what you see is what you get , if not showen its not included . i have no clue as to who made this amp , the only marking on it is ( 2222 ) and the tubes to be used are labeled on top side ., 6C8, 6C5 , 6H6 , 6L6 GC , 6L6GC , 5U4 RECTIFIER . the power transformer is branded STANDARD RADIO PRODUCTS TYPE 105A of kitchener ontario , the output is labeled S.R.P. K3003 . only the tubes in pictures are included . I POWERED IT UP AND IT SHOWS 458AC VOLTS X 2 , CENTRE TAP . THAT IS THE ONLY TEST I MADE. if you know more about this amp please let me know . this amp is for buyer restoration or parts , all sales are as is and final and no returns or rebates or refunds , so please be sure its for you before purchase .