
50 60 watt tube amp ultralinear output transformer 6L6s EL34 etc.

$ 31.68


For sale is this good tested vacuum tube amplifier output transformer, its 8lbs 6oz, 4 x 4 x 4.5" secondary is only 2 wires primary is 6 taps on 1 winding, i think of it was plate, (screenGrid2), B+, (screenGrid2), B+ screen Grid2 often called ultra linear tap. we only listed 5, there's a 6th tap only 7 ohms different than B+, i'd ignore it, but it might be for optional feedback to front end. vs. B+, the plates measure 75 and 83 DC ohms. The difference is because as they wind turns get bigger, turns ratio matters, not feet or wire, so an equal turns winding can have different resistance. If i apply 120V to B+ and the 75 or 83 DC ohm plate wires, output is 28.8 or 29.0VAC. Its easy for amp to output 120V plate to B+. FYI, 29V output to 8 ohms would be 102 watts. the ultra linear taps DC resistance to B+ is 63 and 68 ohms. You don't have to attach them to screen grid2, you could ignore these wires, and run screens i.e. 470 ohm to B+.