If you're an uncompromising collector of antique technology, make sure to check out all my listings after you look at this one. I don't think you'll find a better, broader or more balanced assortment of technical antiques anywhere -- hundreds of listings each year, almost all of them featuring eye-popping "gee whiz" gadgetry in exceptional original condition. And don't forget, you can click this link to quickly add and then save me to your favorite seller list and Ebay will automatically send you updates when I put similar new listings online. Here's a Paragon RA-10 regenerative tuner and its matching DA-2 detector amplifier. The receiving set was manufactured in 1921 by Adams Morgan, the first licensee of the Armstrong regeneration patent, which the company commercialized in 1916 with the Paragon RA-6 tuner. Condition is excellent. Clean, undamaged panels; clean, undamaged dials and knobs; tightly wound tuners; original AF transformers with their original paper labels; original paper Armstrong license affixed to the underside of the RA-10’s baseboard; fumed oak cabinets that retain their original finish, original panel screws, original baseboard screws, etc. Both components have been tested, and they’re still working. There's a tiny resistance bridge across one of the transformer windings, but both transformers are original, both audio stages are functional, and the DA's output is clear. The DA-2 comes with a complete set of good brass base, tipped tubes — a UV-200 detector tube and two UV-201a amplifier tubes. The radio will be ready to display or play as soon as it arrives. Please be advised: the RA-10/DA-2 can be a challenging receiver to tune, but if you're patient, and you've had some prior experience with similarly configured 1920's battery radios, you should be able to get the hang of tuning it before too long. You will of course also need an appropriate vintage loudspeaker (or set of headphones), a good regulated DC power supply (I'd recommend an ARBEIII), and an outdoor antenna that's at least 100 feet long and 10 feet above the ground. I'm one of ebay's best known, most highly regarded sellers of antique radios, and I specialize in radios from the 1920's. I've been selling and shipping them for more than 25 years. When you purchase an antique radio from me, you'll receive a radio that arrives safely because it's been carefully packed (by me , not by some well-intentioned but nonetheless confounded, doe-eyed teenager working at the UPS store who wouldn't know a phonograph from a farm tool), Sure, you can probably get a lower price from Joe and Janet Barn-Find, but when your "bargain" arrives broken, and without any hint of how you might be able to put it back together, you'll realize that you really do get exactly what you pay for.